SQW Digital Skills EOI

Same Sky Different Clouds Expression of Interest

Community Foundation Skills Project: Digital Skills

This Skilling Queenslanders for Work project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government. The project is managed by Toowoomba International Multicultural Society and delivered by project partners, Concinnity.

Participants of this project can be unemployed or working, however, they must be able to attend the project activities throughout the duration of the project.

Eligible participants include those that:

  • are ineligible for Australian Government employment services or assistance
  • require complementary services because they have significant barriers to learning and employment
  • have accessed Australian Government services for more than six months and remain unemployed;

Eligible participants must also have Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) level 1 or 2 foundation skills and be seeking to expand their career aspirations by entering vocational education and training (VET) or the workforce.

Student commitment

I understand that I am required to

Terms & conditions

Acceptance into this program will be assessed on the information you have provided on this form as well as Identification Documents as proof of residency and right to study and work. If your literacy levels do not meet the required levels for participation, you may not be accepted into the program. You will be contacted by Project Workers for a meeting to progress your enrolment and to provide you with further information.